How does your reflexology session work?
Today our daily life is made of rhythmic and often very intense days. It is important to me to transform each reflexology session into a space where respect, confidentiality, well-being, serenity, listening, relief and benevolence are the key words.
During our first session, I give an important place to the exchange, to get to know each other. We start the session with an interview about your general situation, your personal and family history, your family and professional situation, your lifestyle… we talk about your expectations and I answer any questions you may have.

Then, you settle down comfortably, in the warmth, on the massage table, in a lying or semi-sitting position, the session can begin! Intimacy is preserved and only the feet (up to mid-calf), the real gateway to well-being, are undressed.

The session is always tailored to your specific needs. During each session, before touching the person’s feet, I palpate the tissue in the wrists to assess their vitality and, if necessary, adapt my touch.

How long and how many sessions?
The first session takes 1h30, then between 1h00 and 1h30 depending on the techniques used (between 45mn and 1h00 on the treatment table).
Some will say “at least 3 sessions”, others “only one session per month” or “not more than 6 sessions”… I would say, as often in reflexology, “it depends”! Within the framework of a structured and evolving therapeutic follow-up, the number of sessions will depend on your disorder (acute or chronic), on its age and on your receptivity to reflexology care. We will consider together the best adapted formula: each person with his rhythm, his expectations, his discomforts is different. This is why it is impossible to set a general rule regarding the number of sessions necessary for a benevolent and global accompaniment of the person.
And after your session?
After your session, we always take a moment to talk about our respective feelings. You should drink water to support the elimination process activated by the reflexology treatment. It is not recommended to practice intense physical activity afterwards, the nervous and physical relaxation generated by the treatment deserves to be respected so that the body benefits from it.