“Oh me, I’m always on a diet”
“Why am I getting fat? I’m so careful, how can that be?”
“I’ve tried every diet there is!”
“I’ve cracked again…”
“When I’m on a diet, I’m always tired”
“With my last diet, I lost 10kg but I gained 15kg back!”
“Between my children and my husband it’s difficult to have a balanced diet”
“I admit that when I’m not feeling well, I snack”
“I never lost weight after my pregnancy”
“I can’t see myself anymore”
“Losing weight? I’d have to find time to exercise and cook first”
Weight, a subject not to be taken lightly
Unsuitable eating habits, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, stress, poor quality sleep, quality of the intestinal microbiota, etc… there are many imbalances that can lead to overweight. Today, almost one in two French people is overweight and/or obese and suffers from serious health problems.
Reflexology to accompany weight loss?
I offer you a slimming course during which I accompany you, over 5 sessions, in a personalized and global way, as much on the body level as on the emotional level:

• We establish together a complete starting assessment. I listen to you, we talk about your motivations, your habits, your experiences, your questions, your fears and your objective. Some habits may be questioned

• It’s all about balance! I do not suggest a diet. In order to move towards a global well-being, I approach nutrition through healthy, balanced eating habits.

• Behind each weight gain is an emotion: we will recognize and relieve anger, frustration, sadness, depression, irritability, guilt…

• I bring you the necessary vitality, thanks to a reflexological treatment protocol, adapted to the imbalances I detect.
… real change comes from within! A new start, a new horizon…