Just stop smoking… OH YES! But you say to yourself…
“I have no willpower”
“I can’t do it, I’ve already tried”
“I relax, thanks to cigarettes”
“smoking is friendly”
“if I stop smoking, I will gain weight”
“cigarettes make me feel so much better”
From the first cigarette to tobacco addiction
Cigarettes quickly lead the smoker to addiction, in a few weeks or even much less for some people. It is the psychoactive effects of nicotine that lead to addiction. It provides pleasure and relaxation, it stimulates the mind, it has an anxiolytic, antidepressant and appetite suppressant effect.
Reflexology to accompany smoking cessation?
You were not alone when you smoked your first cigarette, so you will not be alone when you quit. Quit Smoking is difficult if it is not prepared and accompanied. Choosing to stop smoking is a major decision in your life that will free you and allow you to find a better overall balance. You can save a lot of money!
I offer you a personalised and global support of 5 consecutive sessions as well as a support guide. Each session is a cocoon in which we talk about your habits, your needs, your questions, your fears… and you benefit from an adapted foot reflexology treatment that brings you the necessary vitality and support to free yourself from cigarettes.

… real change comes from within! A new start, a new horizon…