Reflexological support for cases of Long COVID

Long COVID ? What it is?
The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in November 2019, continues to rock the world. The majority of people with SARS-CoV-2 recover and are symptom-free after 2-3 weeks.
However, some people experience and suffer from late onset or prolonged symptoms of the disease. This is called « Long COVID ».
Signs of long COVID

The most frequently reported persistent symptoms are very varied and affect adults as well as adolescents and children:
- Intense fatigue, concentration and memory problems, cognitive problems, depression
- Shortness of breath, cough, chest pain
- Smell and taste disorders
- Cardio-thoracic disorders
- Muscle and joint pain
Reflexology to accompany cases of long COVID?
Multiple studies about long COVID are underway in many countries and still generate a lot of contradictory debates about its diagnosis.
As a professional reflexologist I focus exclusively on the signs and disorders, both physical and psycho-emotional, described by the child, adolescent or adult patient, even if they have not been “diagnosed” with long COVID.

In the framework of a long COVID, you will be accompanied in a global and personalized way. It is a time of listening which is dedicated to you and reflexological care by targeting very precise reflex zones. I work on the level of
- the body dimension: observing and working on physical symptoms, strengthening the immune system
- the emotional dimension: recognize and relieve the loss of desire, frustration, sadness, depression, irritability, compulsive or addictive disorders…
- the vitality dimension: in an often exhausted organism, to relaunch the blocked vitality
so that you feel listened to, soothed, revitalized on a physical and emotional level and stronger in the face of long COVID.
A new horizon…